5月22日“ALAT2017年国际前瞻激光技术大会”将在深圳大学举办。本次大会由中国光学光电子行业协会激光分会、西南技术物理研究所、广东省激光产业技术创新联盟、深圳大学等将联合举办,也是ALAT 2017第十一届亚洲(深圳)国际激光应用技术论坛的第一子论坛。
会议日程(以下是第二分场 / Section B的演讲人和演讲内容)
李晁逵Chao-Kuei Lee
台湾中山大学 National Sun Yat-sen University
Novel material of nonlinear waveguide for Si photonics : from light source to all optical modulation
摘要 Abstract
To achieve high bit rate signal processing in the integrated optical system, the ultrafast all optical modulator is regarded as the key element in the modern optical communication system. Up to date, number of material systems, such as Si, SiO, SiN and so on, have been chosen for nonlinear optical processing in waveguide photonics fields. However, the physical limitation on application is on the inevitable linear or nonlinear absorption performance.
周治平 Zhiping Zhou
北京大学 Peking University
Recent progress on silicon based energy-saving optical interconnects
摘要 Abstract
This talk will present our latest research progress on low energy consumption devices for optical interconnects. We proposed a complete analytical electro-optic theory of lumped silicon modulators. Comprehensive analysis revealed the speed limitation, and single-drive configuration was introduced to substantially improve modulation speed. More than an order of magnitude energy reduction compared with traveling wave modulators was achieved at 28 Gbaud. We also demonstrated an athermal flat-top silicon Mach-Zehnder (de)multiplexer which eliminated the need for thermal control, achieving energy-free multiplexing for WDM systems.
藤原康文 Yasufumi Fujiwara
日本大阪大学 Osaka University
Challenge to highly efficient wavelength-stable red light-emitting diodes using Eu-doped GaN
摘要 Abstract
Since the invention of blue and green light-emitting diodes (LEDs), one of the targets of researchers has been to extend emission to shorter and longer wavelengths. We have focused on Eu ions that have been widely used as an activator for red phosphor, and have succeeded in developing the world’s first red LED that operates at room temperature using Eu-doped GaN (GaN:Eu) as an active layer. The LED can exhibit a sharp, intense, and temperature-independent emission due to the intra-4f shell transitions of Eu ions, which has a huge potential for GaN-based monolithic full-color LED displays. Light output power of the LED has been growing steadily up to sub-milli watts in these years. In my talk, current status of the red LED and strategies for further enhancement of the light output power will be reviewed.
田中 有Yu Tanaka
Photonics Electronics Technologies Research Association (PETRA), Japan
基于硅光子技术的光收发器“光I / O核”
Optical transceiver "optical I/O core" based on silicon photonics technologies
摘要 Abstract
A chip-scale optical transceiver, “optical I/O core”, has been developed. The "optical I/O core", 5× 5 mm2 in size, is composed of silicon-photonics-based integrated optical circuit, flip-chip-bonded lasers, and Drv./TIA. It provides a maximum transmission capacity of 300 Gbps, and consumes a low power of 5 mW/Gbps. A 25-Gbps/ch error-free transmission was observed. In addition, a wavelength-division-multiplexing technologies for higher amount of transmission will be also discussed.
B. M. A. Rahman
英国伦敦城市大学 City University London
An overview on the design and optimisation of photonic devices
摘要 Abstract
Advancement in performance of photonic devices can only lead to better optical systems of tomorrow. A review on the design and optimisation of photonics devices by using the frequency domain modal solution, junction analysis and beam propagation methods and additionally time-domain approach, but all based on the numerically efficient finite element method will be presented. Numerically simulated results for various photonic devices such as uniform optical waveguides, photonic crystal fibres, high-speed optical modulators, spot-size converters, compact power splitters, metal-clad terahertz waveguides, photonic crystals and nonlinear acousto-optical interactions in optical waveguide will also be presented.
阮双琛 Shuangchen Ruan
深圳大学 Shenzhen University
The lasers generation based on ZnO–graphene superlattice and single-walled carbon nanotube
摘要 Abstract
The generation of nanolaser is a crucial step for on-chip optical communications, medical imaging and so on. Here, we report a thresholdless, tunable Raman nanolaser based on Selective Surface Plasmon Amplification by Stimulated Raman Scattering (SSPASRS). The surface Plasmon is formed between atomic-scale ZnO layer and grapheme layer, in which ZnO layer act as gain medium for Raman scattering. The special geometry, in which atomic-thick gain medium are in the interior of the conducting medium of surface Plasmon, is crucial for highly directional preferred selection rule of Raman active vibration modes for thresholdless Raman nanolaser.
张守进 Shoou-Jinn Chang
台湾成功大学 Natio
nal Cheng Kung University

Enhancing the output power of GaN-based light-emitting diodes by laser drilling and cutting
摘要 Abstract
In this study, we propose two methods using laser to enhance output power of GaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs). The first method is using laser to form a light guiding structure on sapphire substrate. The second method is using laser to drill air-voids inside the sapphire substrate. It was found that both methods can effectively enhance output power of GaN-based LEDs. Detailed fabrication procedures of these two methods will be reported. The electro-optical properties of the fabricated devices will also be discussed.
Qian Dai, Zhu Shi, Wei He, Wen-Zhi Qin, He-Ping Xie, Hai-Zhi Song
Southwest Institute of Technical Physics
Study on high sensitivity InGaAs solid-state multiplier technology
摘要 Abstract
In order to improve the sensitivity of indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) avalanche photodiode, thereby improving the ranging distance of the laser rangefinder receivers, a high sensitivity InGaAs solid-state multiplier is designed and fabricated to achieve weak light detection, based on multi-pixels micro channel technology.
A. Abudurexiti, K.Aikanbaier
School of Physics and Technology, Xinjiang University
Study self-generated magnetic field and proton acceleration in the interaction of ultra-intense laser-plasma concave target
摘要 Abstract
For studying the mechanism of formation of self-generated magnetic field and proton generation in laser plasma interaction, this article based on the Maxwell’s equation applies the theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. We studied the physical processes of self-generated magnetic field and proton acceleration in the interaction between ultra short laser pulse and plasma concave target, and discussed the time evolution relationship of the distribution of self generated magnetic field induced by the non-parallel property of the temperature gradient and density gradient and proposed the laser-driven proton acceleration in plasma concave target irradiated by ultra short laser pulses with relativistic intensities.
Jian CHEN, Yunxiu YANG, Lun ZENG, Changdong GUO, Fanlin KONG, Libo YU, Haizhi SONG
Southwest Institute of Technical Physics
Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology
Hybrid integrated photodetector of silicon PIN array
摘要 Abstract
In this study, we investigated high-performance hybrid integrated photodetector of silicon PIN array for realizing the integration of receiving and transform of the incident light. It is seen that the investigated photodetector has many excellent performances such as high responsivity, high speed, low crosstalk, low noise, strong anti-interference capacity and etc, which make it a prospective device to be utilized in laser beam detecting, spectrophotometer, etc.
He Cai, You Wang, Guofei An et al.
Southwest Institute of Technical Physics
具有MOPA结构的1.617 µm激光器理论分析
Theoretical analyses of a 1.617 µm laser with a MOPA configuration
摘要 Abstract
In this study, we theoretically analyze the amplification features of a 1.617 µm Er:YAG seed laser by using a multiple MOPA configuration. In the simulation, a kinetic model is established to investigate how the doping concentration, crystal length, and pumping power affect the amplification efficiency of a seed laser. The results would be helpful to construct a feasible 1.617 µm laser system.
Huiling Xie, Keyun Zhu, Jiafeng Zheng, Jie Zhang, Dingfu Zhou, Qi Fan, Yingyu Ou
College of Atmospheric Science, Chengdu University of Information Technology
Southwest Institute of Technical Physics
Detection and analysis of boundary layer of non-precipitation by a lidar
摘要 Abstract
Atmospheric boundary layer is about 1 ~ 2km above the earth, which is the key area of the interaction of the earth's circle, and it is the main place of human life. Thus it is significant to research the haze in this area. Lidar can provide the precise low-altitude three-dimensional wind field information, and it is a new instrument to detect the variation of atmospheric boundary layer. The non-precipitation weather is an important meteorological conditions of environmental pollution caused by haze. In this paper, we analyze the stream field characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer under non-precipitation conditions by using the data from July to September in 2015 of the Shanhaiguan which are measured with a lidar form Southwest Institute of Technical Physics.
Qi Fan, Keyun Zhu, Jiafeng Zheng, Jie Zhang, Dingfu Zhou, Huiling Xie, Yingyu Ou
College of Atmospheric Science, Chengdu University of Information Technology
Chengdu Southwest Institute of Technical Physics
Wind shear identification for applied in aviation meteorology with a Lidar
摘要 Abstract
At present, identification of low-level windshear by lidar in china is still in its infancy. So it is of great significance to study the identification algorithm. based on the actual demand of aviation flight service, in this paper, we propose the algorithm of low-level windshear under different detection modes by combining with low-level windshear meteorological features and lidar detection characteristics.
Jian-qing YANG, Ji-jun LUO, Jun XU, Qi-yun SUN, Ting WANG
College of Science, Rocket Force University of Engineering
Study on near infrared laser attenuation based on the distribution database of raindrops
摘要 Abstract
Near-infrared laser would be attenuated relatively largely by rainfall , and then “all-weather application” of near-infrared equipments would be also affected. In view of this problem, in this paper, based on the establishment of two elements function models of distribution of raindrops, a method of establishing the database of the distribution of raindrops was proposed.
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电话:0769-22381699 手机:15626864117 邮箱: samantha@laserfair.com
(2)《激光技术》编辑部 四川省成都市人民南路4段7号西南技术物理研究所
电话:028-68011091 邮箱: jgjs@sina.com
(3)深圳大学光电工程学院 广东省深圳市南海大道3688号深圳大学梁华伟
电话:0755-86951220 邮箱:hwliang@szu.edu.cn