Briefing on Oct.27th of IEC/TC 76 Beijing Meeting



October 27th is the fifth day of IEC/TC76 (Optical Radiation Safety and Laser Equipment) Beijing meeting, four working groups and AG11 held their working meetings.
WG1 (Optical radiation safety working group),WG 8 (Development and maintenance of basic standards working group) and WG 9 (Noncoherent sources working group) Joint Working Group Meeting was held in Wenhua room this morning. Mr. David Sliney of WG1 convenor upheld the meeting. Mr.Karl Schulmeister who is from Austria delegate assisted Mr. Sliney in the meeting. Thirty delegates who come from United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Australia, Belgium, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Switzerland, and Sweden attended the meeting. Mr. Shoji Mitsuhashi who is from Japan delegate and is on behalf of OITDA (Japanese optical industry association) made the presentation regarding to “Consumer Risk of Laser” at the meeting. All attendees warmly discussed about regulations and hazard degree of consumer laser products.
The final meeting of WG4 (Safety of medical laser equipment working group) was held in Orchid Room this morning. It continued to discuss the IEC TR 60825-8  《Safety Of Laser Products–Part 8: Guidelines for the safe use of laser radiation on humans》 working draft. The main content of the meeting was eye protection, and it refered to the requirement of laser protective eyewear and foreseeable hazards from reflecting surface. In addition, the risk of laser radiation to skin and requirement of protective measures had been discussed.

JTC5 meeting was held in Wenhua room in this afternoon, Mr. John O'hangan as the project leader of IEC 62471-1 preside over the review of the working draft. The experts come from United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, China, Japan, Austria, Sweden, Belgium and other countries attended the meeting. The  content of the main body of IEC 62471-1 document was discussed, especially for the discussion of  relationship between the assessment distance and measurement distance, the lamps and lamp systems, this basic standard and the vertical product standards. Finally, Professor Mou from China mentioned that the definition of Small Source needs to be clearified for avoiding misunderstanding in the application. The working document will be further modified to form a CD file.
WG5(Safety of fibre optics communications systems working group) third meeting was held in Orchid room this afternoon. Mr. Michael Regan who is the convenor of WG5 organized the meeting.Nine experts from United Kingdom, United States of America, Japan, Germany and China attended the meeting. The experts discussed 45 pages of Merged Comments from WG5 members of IEC 60825-2 Ed. 3.2 “Safety of laser products-Part 2:Satety of optical fibre communication systems(OFCS)”.

AG11 ( Chairman Advisory Group)meeting was held in Wenhua room this afternoon. Mr. Takeo Masuda who is the convenor of AG11 organized the meeting. The convenors of the working groups reported the situation of one-week meetings to the Chairman and the Secretary-General, to draw up the meeting agenda and voting matters of the closing meeting tomorrow.