- 2018-11-23 17:32KUKA: Quarterly release for 3rd quarter 2018
- 2018-11-23 17:18KUKA receives major contract from U.S. Automotive Company in the double-digit-million-euro range
- 2018-11-23 14:14KUKA wins major automotive contract
- 2018-01-03 11:09Robotics researchers use MV cameras to control self-drive mining vehicles
- 2016-12-06 10:44Laser Coating Removal Robot for Aircraft
- 2016-09-10 11:28KUKA Robot Dances at 2016 Paralympic Opening Ceremony
- 2016-01-19 16:08Robotic telescope built by China and Thailand put into operation
- 2015-12-09 17:50Walking Chinese robot breaks Guinness world record
- 2015-12-09 17:40China seeks robot technology assistance worldwide
- 2015-11-06 10:55East China industrial center pushes for robots in manufacturing
- 2015-10-10 13:37Rise of the robots inevitable in China
- 2015-08-25 10:00China Exclusive: "Robot supermarket" to open in south China
