Yongfeng Lu教授在基于激光的材料加工和微纳米表征领域开展科研工作20余年,是激光纳米制造领域的开创人之一,在基于特定空间可控性的纳米材料激光加工方面的研究处于世界前沿水平,探索出“自下而上”的纳米结构生长工艺,为纳米制造领域提供了新的思路。共发表SCI收录论文260余篇,包括在Applied Physics Letters(18)、Nanotechnology(7篇)、和Journal of Applied Physics(50篇)等光学顶尖期刊上发表论文近百篇;国际会议论文247篇,被邀请作国际会议/著名大学主题或特邀报告100多次。曾任ICALEO国际学术会议主席和超过30次学术会议的分会主席、组委会成员、顾问。承担美国国家科学基金、美国能源部等多项重大科研项目。
Yongfeng Lu is currently the Lott University Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Before he joined UNL in 2002, he worked at the National University of Singapore. Dr. Lu received his BEng degree from Tsinghua University (China), M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Osaka University (Japan) in 1984, 1988 and 1991, respectively. He has approximately 20 years of research experience in laser-based micro/nanoscale materials processing and characterization. Besides the fundamental research work that led to a large number of publications and a number of national and international awards, he also has successfully developed a number of laser-based material processing technologies and commercialized them in industries. In the past few years, he received more than $10 million of research funding from DoD, NSF, DOE, NRI, private foundations and industry, including a MURI grant from ONR. He has given numerous plenary, keynote and invited talks in international conferences. He has served as the general chair for the International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO) in 2007 and 2008, which is the largest annual event organized by the Laser Institute of America. He was elected to SPIE and LIA Fellow since 2008 and 2009, respectively. He is also an editor for the Journal of Laser Applications.