2016-06-22 -
郭春雷Chunlei Guo
Prof. Chunlei Guo,美国罗切斯特大学(University of Rochester)教授,国际飞秒激光微加工前沿领域的著名专家,美国罗切斯特大学光学研究所高强度飞秒激光实验室负责人。...
2016-06-24 -
2016-04-27 -
Andreas Ostendorf
Andreas Ostendorfstudied electrical engineering at the University of Hannover, Germany. In 1995 he joined the Laser Zent...
2016-06-24 -
Eric Mottay
Eric Mottaygraduated in 1985 from the Ecole Superieure dOptique near Paris, the leading institution in France for Optica...
2016-04-23 -
刘新兵Xinbing Liu
Xinbing Liuhas been the director of Panasonic Boston Laboratory (PBL) of Panasonic RD Company of America since the begin...
2016-06-24 -
Stefan Heinemann
Stefan Heinemannhas been involved with the development of new laser processes, components and systems for over 20 years,...
2016-04-23 -
Stefan Kaierle
Stefan Kaierlestudied electrical engineering and went on to earn his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen Univ...