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2013慕尼黑参展商简介: Northrop Grumman SYNOPTICS

激光制造网 来源:激光制造商情2013-02-25 我要评论(0 )   

公司中文名称: Northrop Grumman SYNOPTICS 公司英文名称: Northrop Grumman SYNOPTICS 中文地址: 1201 Continetal Bowlevard美国/夏洛特/28273 英文地址: 1201 Contine...

公司中文名称: Northrop Grumman SYNOPTICS

公司英文名称: Northrop Grumman SYNOPTICS

中文地址: 1201 Continetal Bowlevard美国/夏洛特/28273

英文地址: 1201 Continetal Bowlevard USA / Charlotte /28273

总部: 美国/U.S.A.

地区: 海外

展位编号: W2.2622

网址: www.as.northropgrumman.com/synoptics

公司中文描述: Northrop Grumman Synoptics is the world's leading manufacturer of crystals for use in solid-state lasers. Materials include Nd:YAG, CTH:YAG, Er:YAG, Alexandrite, KTP, TGG, Cr4+:YAG, Co:Spinel, Nd:YLF, Yb:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG. Diffusion bonding capabilities are available for all materials as well as a line of Air Spaced Polarizers at 1064nm. New product for 2013 is synthetic Ruby for medical applications at 694nm.

公司英文描述: Northrop Grumman Synoptics is the world's leading manufacturer of crystals for use in solid-state lasers. Materials include Nd:YAG, CTH:YAG, Er:YAG, Alexandrite, KTP, TGG, Cr4+:YAG, Co:Spinel, Nd:YLF, Yb:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG. Diffusion bonding capabilities are available for all materials as well as a line of Air Spaced Polarizers at 1064nm. New product for 2013 is synthetic Ruby for medical applications at 694nm.

行业:    光学   精密工程   汽车工程   电气工程/电子/半导体

主要产品:    激光器和光导发光元件   光学   光学生产技术   应用系统(按行业分)   激光加工系统   光学测量系统   激光系统元件 



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