公司英文名称: Wuhan Maiman Technology Co., Ltd.
中文地址: 武汉东湖新技术开发区森林大道8号慧谷时空大厦309A
英文地址: 309A, Huigu Space Building, No. 8 Forest Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan
总部: 中国/China
地区: 湖北
公司中文描述: 武汉梅曼科技(集团)有限公司位于武汉•中国光谷,是一家专业从事激光加工高端装备的研发、光纤切割机,生产和销售的高新技术企业-金属切割机厂家。通过积极的国际和国内合作,公司构建了一整套自主创新平台。目前,集团公司下辖梅曼精密系统集成子公司、梅曼光纤激光器子公司、梅曼碟片激光器子公司。 公司依托俄罗斯激光中心、俄罗斯极地研究所、华中科技大学激光加工国家工程中心、中国科学院西安光学精密 机械研究所等国内外顶级激光研究单位形成了自己的核心技术团队,通过不断自主研发,已经成为世界上能生产高功率碟片激光器并拥有自主知识产权的两家企业之一,填补了国内空白。在强大的资本和科研团队的支持下,梅曼科技成为全国唯一拥有光纤激光器、碟片激光器及其成套设备产业化激光切割机厂家高科技公司。 公司在武汉市政府的大力支持下,已入驻“光谷未来科技城”,并规划开发了800亩产业园区,为“梅曼科技” 未来的发展奠定了坚实基础。梅曼人以全球第一台激光器的发明人梅曼先生为榜样,秉承“走开放之路,创国际品 牌”经营理念,以“梅曼激光,世界之光”为最终奋斗目标,愿与国内外各界同仁真诚合作,将引进先进技术与自主创新相结合,共同打造一流品牌的激光产品,成为中国乃至世界激光产业中耀眼的明珠。
公司英文描述: Wuhan Meiman Technology (Group) Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise focused on laser equipment research, production and sales. Wuhan Meiman Technology (Group) Co., Ltd. prepares passionately for domestic and international cooperation, builds up constructive self-innovation system. Now the group consists of Meiman Disk Laser Company, Meiman Fiber Laser Company, and Meiman Laser System Company.Our partners include ZAO Russia Laser System Company, Russia Laser Center, National Engineering Research Center for Laser Processing of HUST and Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS etc. The company is supported by a large number of well-known professors, experts, researchers in laser technology and has its own professional team in R&D, production and sales. Through self-dependent research and development, Meiman has become one of the two which can produce high power disk also possessed laser autonomous intellectual property.Wiith powerful capital and professional research team,Meiman has been the only one high-tech enterprise to own fiber laser and disk laser ,and their industrialization of complete equipments.With the strong support of Wuhan Government,Wuhan Meiman Technology (Group)Co.,Ltd.has settle in “Optics Future Technology Town”and planned to develop a 540000㎡ Industrial Park,laying the solid foundation for the future development of Meiman Technology.By the name of Mr. Meiman, inventor of the 1st set laser, Wuhan Meiman Technology (Group) Co., Ltd. adheres to the business philosophy of "Open Mindset, Global Brand", and takes “Meiman Laser, Light the world” as the ultimate goal of company. The company will work together with all partners and customers to produce the most advanced laser products. Wuhan Meiman Technology (Group) Co., Ltd. will be the leading company in China and in the World.
行业: 光学 精密工程 汽车工程 航天/航空 电气工程/电子/半导体 工具制造/电机工程
主要产品: 激光器和光导发光元件 光学 激光加工系统 固体激光器 气体激光器 光纤激光器 原材料 光学晶体 半成品光学元件 镜头 衍射光学 光学传输元件 其他光学元件 被动光学元件的辅助软件 加工系统 激光加工系统组件 激光辅助产品设计与系统开发 各类材料激光加工系统 其他激光应用系统 有机印刷电子的激光生产系统 材料加工原材料 系统整合