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2013慕尼黑参展商简介: OZ Optics Limited

激光制造网 来源:激光制造商情2013-02-25 我要评论(0 )   

公司中文名称: OZ Optics Limited 公司英文名称: OZ Optics Limited 中文地址: 219 Westbrook Rd. Ottawa, Ontario K0A 1L0 Canada 英文地址: 219 Westbrook Rd. Ottawa...

公司中文名称: OZ Optics Limited

公司英文名称: OZ Optics Limited

中文地址: 219 Westbrook Rd. Ottawa, Ontario K0A 1L0 Canada

英文地址: 219 Westbrook Rd. Ottawa, Ontario K0A 1L0 Canada

总部: 加拿大/Canada

地区: 加拿大

展位编号: W3.3325

网址: www.ozoptics.com/

公司中文描述: OZ OPTICS LTD.自1985年创建于加拿大首都渥太华。在土耳其伊兹密尔及中国嘉兴分别设有生产基地;公司在致力于研发和生产光学器件及测试仪器之外,近年来更热衷于光学传感器的发明及研究,由此进行对油井、油田管道、桥梁、水坝等大型工程的远程监测。多年来公司的多样化产品广泛吸引了包括电讯、无线、医疗、军事、工业、宇航、石化及科研等不同领域的客户,主要有高功率器件、保偏产品、激光器到光纤耦合系统、光电子封装系列、衰减器以及适用于2um 以及光学相干断层扫描技术(OCT应用)等系列产品。

公司英文描述: Located in Canada's capital city of Ottawa and established in 1985, OZ Optics Limited is a leading worldwide supplier of fiber optic products for existing and next-generation optical networks. In addition to designing and manufacturing components and test equipment for fiber optics markets, the company offers award-winning fiber optic sensor systems for remote monitoring of oil and gas pipelines, wells, refineries, bridges, dams and other large structures, security fences and for fire detection. OZ Optics manufactures its products in three locations, Ottawa, Canada, Izmir, Turkey and Beijing China. Our seven different product groups are marketed and sold globally to over 10,000 customers in over 60 countries, through our well-established and extensive network of sales representatives and distributors, as well as through direct customer engagement. Our fiber optic product lines include: Components for OE Packaging, Attenuators, Laser-to-Fiber Delivery Components, Polarization Maintaining Components, Test Equipment, Fiber Optic Sensors, High Power Components, and Fiber Optic Components for OCT Applications. By leveraging the technology and expertise gained since its inception, OZ Optics has attracted a broad range of customers in the telecommunications, cable television, medical, military, security, industrial, construction, aerospace, power utilities, petrochemical and educational sectors. Our products are based on proprietary technology, trade secrets and patents. OZ Optics was the first company to introduce polarization maintaining fiber optic components, test equipment and visual fault locators to the marketplace, and it was also the first company to integrate wireless technology into its designs of remote fiber optic measurement systems and instruments. Over its 25-year history, its peers in the industry and in the community have recognized OZ Optics with numerous awards for innovation and achievement, including most recently the 2009 Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Award for our Distributed Strain and Temperature Sensor. OZ Optics is ISO 9001:2008 certified. OZ Optics continues its leadership role in polarization maintaining components, fiber optic sensors and test equipment. The company is also well known for its custom design work.

行业:    光学   航天/航空   医疗/生物技术   高等院校   电气工程/电子/半导体   专业技术服务

主要产品:    激光器和光导发光元件   光学   光学生产技术   传感器、测试测量   激光加工系统   光学测量系统   光学信息技术与光通信技术   生物光子学及医学工程   原材料   光学晶体   半成品光学元件   镜头   衍射光学   光学传输元件   其他光学元件   被动光学元件的辅助软件   光学生产设备   光学生产加工   光学生产辅料   光学薄膜材料   其他光学生产技术   粘合剂   激光特性测量系统   光学参量测量分析系统   设备、系统光学参量测量系统   光学测量系统   光学传感器   加工系统   激光加工系统组件   激光辅助产品设计与系统开发   各类材料激光加工系统   其他激光应用系统   有机印刷电子的激光生产系统   材料加工原材料   系统整合   半自动化激光测试测量系统   全息测试测量系统与部件   光纤、光缆、光纤器件及设备   主动光器件和光通信系统设备   被动光器件和光通信系统设备   光纤测试和测量设备   光纤应用加工与装配设备   应用   方法与技术 



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