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2013慕尼黑参展商简介: 北京康冠世纪光电科技有限公司

激光制造网 来源:激光制造商情2013-02-25 我要评论(0 )   

公司中文名称: 北京康冠世纪光电科技有限公司 公司英文名称: Beijing Conquer Optoelectronic Tech. Co. Ltd. 中文地址: 北京市海淀区中关村南大街11号百花苑商务大厦 ...

公司中文名称: 北京康冠世纪光电科技有限公司

公司英文名称: Beijing Conquer Optoelectronic Tech. Co. Ltd.

中文地址: 北京市海淀区中关村南大街11号百花苑商务大厦

英文地址: Business Building,NO.11,South Main Street Zhongguancun Haidian District,Beiijng China

总部: 中国/China

地区: 北京

展位编号: W1.1813

网址: www.conquer-oc.com

公司中文描述: 北京康冠世纪光电科技有限公司位于中国“硅谷”——中关村,是一家致力于服务国内外科研机构、研究院所、高校以及企业科研人员的高科技股份制企业。公司主要从事光电子产品的研制、销售和技术服务。 康冠光电自成立以来一直坚持以自主研发为主,同时与国际著名光电子产品制造商合作,积极为客户引入国外先进光电子产品。数年来,公司已形成了丰富完善的光电子产品系列,并且能根据用户需求进行定制产品,其主要产品系列包括: 光电探测器系列 激光器(光源)系列 大功率半导体激光器bar条 电光调制器系列 微波放大器系列 光纤处理工具 公司研发团队经过多年的自主创新,康冠光电在高速电光调制、高速模拟光电探测、高速数字光电探测、高灵敏度光电探测领域已处于国内同行领先水平。相应产品自推向市场以来,以其稳定、优越的产品性能赢得国内用户的一致好评。 康冠光电始终秉承着“精诚服务、客户至上”的原则,在供应优质产品的同时注重于提供专业的技术服务,赢得了广大国内客户的信赖。目前,康冠光电的客户群已遍布国内一流的高校(清华大学、北京大学和浙江大学等)和研究院所(中国科学院、中国工程物理研究院等),并且和北京理工大学、北京邮电大学、北京工业大学等众多知名高校有深入的合作,同时与这些大学的光电实验室建立了产学研合作模式。 未来,康冠光电将贯彻“质量为本,创新为源”的方针,不断更新完善现有产品系列,全力打造专业技术团队,持续为用户提供优质、可靠、先进的产品和技术服务。21世纪是光电子技术蓬勃发展的时代,康冠光电愿竭尽所能为您提供服务,与您共创辉煌!

公司英文描述: Conquer Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2003 and located in the famous Hi-Tech Industrial Park in Beijing. As a technology leader in developing innovative fiber-optics communication, fiber-optics sensors and fiber lasers solutions for both commercial and research applications, our mission is to serve customers with creative techniques and reliable products.Conquer Technology has built a broad portfolio of product offerings that include Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), Ytterbium doped dual cladding fiber laser, VGA Fiber extender, DVI Fiber Extender USB Fiber extender, intelligent control amplified spontaneous emitting (ASE) broad band light source modules and instruments, fiber-optics current sensor system, SM/MM/PM fiber-optics couplers and FBT WDM couplers, We serve a broad range of persified markets, including the telecommunications, sensors and lasers industries.Although Conquer is a newly set up company, it has engaged in the fields of fiber-optics communication, fiber-optics sensor and fiber laser for about ten years. Board members including the management were previously holding senior position from various reputable companies in the fields of photonics and electronics. And they had enjoyed successful experiences in management, marketing& sales and R&D during these past years. As a result, our team has established good relationship with our customers and is able to understand their demands readily.“Forging ahead optimistically and creating actively” is our spiritual motive and persistent pursuit. Conquer is and has trained a contingent of young and competent Sales, technical staff and administrative staff with solid expertise and abundant experiences which will guarantee the offering of excellent products and perfect service for our customers. It will be our pleasure and honor to have a full cooperation with our customers. The trust of the customers will be our precious assets.

行业:    光学   精密工程   电气工程/电子/半导体   数据处理/电信   专业技术服务

主要产品:    激光器和光导发光元件   光学   传感器、测试测量   光学测量系统   光学信息技术与光通信技术   原材料   光学晶体   半成品光学元件   镜头   衍射光学   光学传输元件   其他光学元件   被动光学元件的辅助软件   半自动化激光测试测量系统   全息测试测量系统与部件 



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