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2013慕尼黑参展商简介: 合肥嘉东科技有限公司

激光制造网 来源:激光制造商情2013-02-25 我要评论(0 )   

公司中文名称: 合肥嘉东科技有限公司 公司英文名称: Unioriental Optics Co., Ltd. 中文地址: 合肥嘉东科技有限公司 英文地址: Unioriental Optics Co., Ltd. 总部: 中...

公司中文名称: 合肥嘉东科技有限公司

公司英文名称: Unioriental Optics Co., Ltd.

中文地址: 合肥嘉东科技有限公司

英文地址: Unioriental Optics Co., Ltd.

总部: 中国/China

地区: 安徽

展位编号: W1.1680

网址: www.unioriental.com

公司中文描述: 合肥嘉东科技有限公司(Unioriental) 为具国际领先技术力量的激光晶体,非线性晶体以及各类光学元器件的制造型企业,公司集研发,生产,销售为一体,产品广泛应用于半导体,电子,精密仪器,勘测设备,医学设备,激光和光通讯等领域。我公司自主研发的提拉法生长设备属于国际领先水平,实现了生长过程的电脑化全自动控制以及所有数据的自动存储和分析,实现了生长条件的最优化组合,保障了晶体材料生长的高度同质性和稳定性。公司生产基地位于安徽合肥,拥有一条完整的从晶体生长,晶体加工,光学加工到镀膜的生产线以及完善的检测设备。 嘉东公司为ISO认证公司,具有详细的质量控制体系和执行标准,从而实现质量的严格控制和产成品到原材料的质量可追溯性。公司具有完善的实验室和生产线检测设备,追求完美的质量是公司一贯秉承的质量管理目标。 公司一直重视研发力量的培养和发展,拥有高素质的管理和技术人员队伍,公司创始人具有晶体生长和加工专业学术研究及生产实操近20年的行业经验,在经营管理,人力资源,市场营销,生产和质量控制等各个部门,公司均具有经验丰富,作风严谨的管理人员和有着与公司同发展的优秀员工群体。 嘉东公司严格按照行业标准生产和加工,持续发展公司在加工水平方面的优势,国际水准的高精度加工工艺一直是公司的一个优势。公司生产的高品质Nd:YLF, Cr:LiSAF, Nd:YAG 和Nd:YVO4等激光晶体;LBO, BBO, KTP,KDP, KD*P, LiNbO3等非线形晶体;VUV级别 CaF2, BaF2, MgF2, LiF等光学晶体以及各类光学元器件包括:透镜,窗口,棱镜,波片等产品主要销往到欧洲,美国,日本等发达国家,目前已经建立了成熟的客户网络和销售渠道包括全球各大生产型企业以及院校和科研机构。 公司本着以人为本,客户至上的服务精神,希望成为全球最佳的晶体和光学元件供应商,成为您成功进军市场的生意伙伴!

公司英文描述: Unioriental Optics Co., Ltd. is a technology leading company in China in manufacture, research and development of laser, nonlinear and optical crystals. The company was established in year 2003 located in Hefei Anhui, China. We have established the proprietary crystal growth technique which is digital-controlled using the Czochralski technique. We have a full capacity of fabrication and coating machinery and a complete set of dedicated inspection facilities. Unioriental makes every effort to provide high quality crystals and devices at low price. The advanced technologies and facilities, mass production and well organized management, and low labor cost make Unioriental 's products always competitive internationally. The founder of Unioriental, Mr. Peter Hu has been working in the Crystal Growing industry for more than 20 years. He has been doing research in several first-class Chinese Institutions of photonics including the Chinese Academy of Science, Anhui Photonics Institution and the 11th National Institution of China Electronic Department. He has participated many study projects of growing crystals and invented his own theory to grow crystals under computer auto-controlled systems. He founded Unioriental in 2003 to grow high quality and high technology crystals for international high-end market. The scientists and engineers working at Unioriental are mostly from top research institutions in China and have many-year research experiences as well as deep understanding in the laser material development. Unioriental is a manufacturer of laser crystals, nonlinear crystals and optical crystals including growing crystal bouls and fabricating the bouls into finished parts. Being a manufacturer, Unioriental has the predominant technology to grow large size and high quality Nd:YLF, Cr:LiSAF, Nd:YAG, Nd:YVO4 laser crystals and LBO,BBO,KTP, LiNbO3 non-linear crystals, as well as VUV CaF2, BaF2, MgF2 optical crystals. Unioriental possesses advanced crystal growing technology and has well established Czochralski crystal growing methods. Unioriental focuses itself into international market during these years and has been supplying to many famous multinational buyers.The mass production capability enables Unioriental to produce high quality crystals and devices to supply to R&D, commercial manufacturers and various customers. We also welcome OEM. Unioriental makes every effort to provide high quality crystals and devices at low price. The advanced technologies and facilities, mass production and well organized management, and low labor cost make Unioriental 's products always competitive internationally. We have developed a series of specialized optical fabrication techniques for producing crystal products in line with the highest international standards. The Unioriental sales team is a group of energetic young people who have rich experiences of working and studying abroad. Our sincere attitude for quality and service prepared ourselves very well serving for the international markets. We are ready to serve your needs with best customer service, and sincerely hope to establish business relationships with friends all over the world.

行业:    光学   精密工程   航天/航空   医疗/生物技术   环境监测   光伏   交通运输   半导体制造业   化工/制药行业   数据处理/电信

主要产品:    光学   激光器零部件   光学晶体   半成品光学元件   镜头 



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