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2013慕尼黑参展商简介: 深圳市视觉龙科技有限公司

激光制造网 来源:激光制造商情2013-02-25 我要评论(0 )   

公司中文名称: 深圳市视觉龙科技有限公司 公司英文名称: Second2None Machine Vision Systems Co., Ltd. 中文地址: 深圳市福田区沙尾村金地工业区135栋405室 英文地址: ...

公司中文名称: 深圳市视觉龙科技有限公司

公司英文名称: Second2None Machine Vision Systems Co., Ltd.

中文地址: 深圳市福田区沙尾村金地工业区135栋405室

英文地址: 405#, BIK135,Gemdale Industrial Zone,ShaWei Village, Futian District, ShenZhen, China

总部: 中国/China

地区: 广东

展位编号: W1.1267

网址: www.visiondragon.com

公司中文描述: 深圳市视觉龙科技有限公司是一家由归国留学人员创办的高科技企业,公司成立于2002年9月,在深圳和常州分别设有公司。成立以来,公司一直致力于机器视觉产品的应用开发、嵌入式机器视觉系统的研发、生产以及销售。  多年的奋斗铸就了“视觉龙”这个品牌!经过这些年的实践和努力,我们在机器视觉应用领域上积累了丰富的经验,拥有了许多成功案例和成熟方案,建立了科学规范的管理体系,形成了一支在同行业专业领域里有着较高知名度和竞争实力的团队。同时,我们与众多行业客户保持着良好的合作,在业界享有良好的声誉。如今在广大客户心目中,“视觉龙”不仅仅只是一个企业的名称,同时更已经成为一种品牌,是代表专业、高效、诚信理念和优质而完善服务的符号!  视觉龙,Second2None,我们的目标是成为业内最具实力,技术最先进,服务最优秀的视觉产品。让我们携手努力,共同将中国的机器视觉市场做大做强。

公司英文描述: Second2None Machine Vision Systems is a leading provider of machine vision systems and technologies, Founded by a couple of returning Overseas Scholars in Sep 9,2002, the company is located in Longgang Incubation Center of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Scholar Venture Park. As world's manufacturing is shifting to China, "The World Factory" , quality prodution to meet global standard is expected. To assure high quality , automated inspection with machine vision technology plays a very important role. Growing together with the Chinese machine vision market, after years of market catering , education, practice and exploration, Second2None has become a renowned brand and a competitive and reliable supplier of machine vision components and solutions .Seond2None's machine vision systems are applied in wide range of industries including semiconducor /microelectronics , atuomotive, food and chemical products and general manufacturing . Regional application engineering expertise , strong support ,cost effectiveness, and hith performance set Second2None apart from all others . As the name states , We strive to be one of the best machine vision providers in the region. Second2None has established partnership with various international machine vision components and system manufacturers , such as Adept , robot and vision manufacturer, PPT Vision, smart cameras manufacturer. Other partners are Advanced Illumination, CBC Computar Lenses, Schneider Lens, Oriental System Engineering LED lighting, Lumenera Industrial cameras. And the list goes on and on.

行业:    光学   精密工程   汽车工程   航天/航空   医疗/生物技术   印刷/制图   非大学研究机构   高等院校   半导体制造业   化工/制药行业   数据处理/电信   工具制造/电机工程

主要产品:    机器视觉   智能相机   板卡   软件包   配件   工业镜头   光源   辅助产品   图像处理系统   机器视觉集成 



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